Friday, November 26, 2010

Power Hungry Assholes

The world is going to shit
We're all doomed
Power hungry pricks.

Oh wait...this is only the US.

If You're Not Right, You're Left.

Not that you give a shit about politics...or that I give a shit about what people buy or who they buy it from regardless of whether or not I'm an Advertising diploma holder or not but here's an interesting infographic that outlines the brand preferences of Liberals and Conservatives.

For you retards out there who may say "It doesn't say Liberal or Conservative, it says Republican and Democrat"
They are the SAME figure out on your own which one is which, and if you can't then you are probably on the side that doesn't enjoy/use/promote the GOOGLE brand.

CLICK THE IMAGE to enlarge it. Just an FYI

Until next time my special readers.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Energy Drink Consumption Linked to Alcoholism

This has to do with the government because the FDA sent warning letters to four energy drink manufactures regarding the linking between becoming an alcoholic and the consumption of energy drinks.

Apparently people who consume energy drinks are far more likely to consume large quantities of alcohol.

Considering that I used to drink energy products religiously when I was in college I figure I now have someone to blame for my vast consumption of beer.

Here. Read the article while I go drink a Red Bull and get shithouse drunk.

Energy Drinks and Booze Hounds


I ran across this article that I found really interesting titled: "The 5 Most Profitable Drugs: They Never Cure You"

It's true. the worst WORST WORST thing a pharma company can do is release a pill or some sort of injection that you take which cures whatever ailment you have. The real money is in treatments. Treatments which are continuous, on going, never ending.

Example: Ibogaine, although a hallucinogen drug, it has been proven to help heroin and meth addicts kick their habits. PROVEN!!! It has been proven by scientific, medical studies to KICK WHAT HAS BEEN DESCRIBED AS THE HARDEST ADDITION TO GET RID OF. Buuuuttttt why would drug companies not want to take advantage of this? Despite the fact that you can treat these addicts with methadone (keyword: "treat"), Ibogaine fits into the category of "cures" and pharma companies do not associate themselves with cures as if this does not fit the status quo.

So here's the list of the top 5 most profitable drugs:

1. Lipitor

  • had a gross revenue of $7.5 billion
  • designed to lower cholesterol

2. Nexium
  • gross revenue of $6.3 billion
  • decreases the amount of stomach acid produced 

3. Plavix
  • gross revenue of $5.6 billion
  • prevents blood clots after strokes or a heart attack
  • The kicker: increases chances of bleeding from injuries 
  • The worse kicker: heightens risk of stomach bleeding if consuming alcohol

4. Advair Diskus
  • gross revenue of $4.7 billion
  • twice-daily inhaler to reduce swelling in the respiratory system for asthma sufferers

5. Seroquel
  • gross revenue of $4.2 billion 
  • anti-psychotic drug treating schizophrenia, severe depression, bipolar disorder 

NOW....what is the common denominator of these drugs? 
Oh right...they never cure you because that would prove unprofitable. 

By the way, here is the link to the article if you give a shit. 
To my readers from China that I've been noticing a lot of traffic coming from - you guys are awesome!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Yay! Let's Attack Iran!

Senator Lindsey Graham wants to attack Iran with the direct quote "sink their navy, destroy their air force and deliver a decisive blow to the Revolutionary Guard"


Jesus Christ...

Even if The US had a LEGITIMATE reason to attack Iran, they don't actually think that they would be able to defeat the Iran military do they? Keep in mind wars are like relationships - It's much easier to get into one than it is to end one. When was the last time the United States won a war? Like really? Afghanistan? Iraq? Vietnam? .... yeah my sentiments exactly. 

Now put this into the mix. IF the United States attacks Iran let's see what Iran could do. Where does a lot of the oil in the world come from? The Middle East. 
What is the name of the straight in which majority of tankers pass thru carrying said oil? The Straight of Hormuz. All Iran has to do is block the goddamn straight and watch as oil prices rise dramatically - making Iran itself richer and making the rest of the world poorer as economies would literally just stop "moving".

The Persian Gulf is one of those places in the modern world that has the capabilities of demolishing the ENTIRE industrial world yet the US continues to ass-rape these countries for profit without worrying about the implications. 

Then again, why would the US consider attacking ANOTHER country? Considering that the Iraq war may end "soon" and considering that the US has never NOT been at war for over one hundred years so to keep true to form they MUST attack another country MUST MUST MUST....

That was sarcasm. 

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